Homosexuality and the Christian Mark A. Yarhouse, PsyD Bethany House Publishers 2010 Finally, a reasonable look at this topic! Long over due though, but finally here. I guess that pretty well sums up how I feel about this book. It helps people like me who have not been able balance the admonitions against homosexual behavior in the Bible and the positions espoused from the different corners in this battle, particularly the churches responses. Dr. Yarhouse begins his discussion with God and what He has to say about homosexuality. In doing that he sets the tone for the rest of the book. God says this, so how do the people of God respond? Part of his argument is that the church leaves no place for the person who struggles with same sex attractions thereby forfeiting the individual to the opposing views. This is a major point that he touches on several times, but does not slam the pulpit in stating his views. Recent research on the causes of...