In Constant Prayer Robert Benson Thomas Nelson 2008 In Constant Prayer is one of a series, The Ancient Practices Series, released lately in paperback by Thomas Nelson and I am glad. I had not seen the original hardcover versions of any of this series before. This particular one addresses the daily office, a practice familiar to many and unknown by others. I fell into the latter group, so what the author had to say was all new for me. For those of you who are familiar with the office this book will offer a most gentle encouragement to continue in your practice. For the rest of us the author walks us through his journey with the daily office including a short history of the practice. Robert Benson explains the daily office to those that are unfamiliar with it through stories from his experiences with it. Early in the book I did not appreciate his way of doing things. I kept waiting for the magic bullet that would catapult me into some saintly realm with the pray-ers of ol...