Review: A Beautiful Defeat: Find True Freedom and Purpose in Total Surrender to God by Kevin Malarkey with Matt Jacobson
Review: A Beautiful Defeat: Find True Freedom and Purpose in Total Surrender to God Kevin Malarkey with Matt Jacobson Nelson Books 2014 I have to say that I requested this book for review because someone else said they didn’t like it, not for any more worthy reason. So did I like it or not? I liked it, but didn’t like the implications for my life. The defeat that is beautiful is of course the total surrender to God. That requires all of me, mine, and whatever else I have become attached to. Malarkey puts out the challenges straight and without any fancy foot work trying to sidestep what the biblical text says. His final word resembles the Nike™ slogan we all know. His ten steps are discussed clearly and with examples that are even more clear. The appendices provide a review and a list of the Bible verses pertaining to each step. While I am not a fan of dividing things into ten steps, or twelv...