Review: Grace is Greater: God’s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain and Rewrite Your Story by Kyle Idleman
Review: Grace is Greater: God’s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain and Rewrite Your Story Kyle Idleman Baker Books 2017 What’s not to like about this book? Not much in my opinion. Idleman has a way of talking about grace that hits home in very practical ways. Ways that we all live every day. He tackles the hard stuff and tempers it with the grace of God. A peak at the table of contents says as much. Grace is Greater…Than Your Mistakes, …Than Your Hurts…Than Your Circumstance. Within those I found his discussions that touched on forgiveness some of the best I’ve read anywhere. But, I thought this book was about grace. It is. Grace and forgiveness are closely linked. We know that, most of us anyway. Just like we know that grace is greater. Grace is something that just reading about it isn’t going to be enough. Idleman covers that ground, too, with some very...