Review: The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (with answers) Mark Mittelberg Tyndale Hose Publishers 2010 What a title! But, they are some of the questions Christians tend to duck when they come up in conversation--- even among friends. Apologetics put forward in a user friendly way is my description of what Mark Mittelberg has done for us with his book. It’s an easy read and covers the topics presented well in my opinion. What I liked especially were the summary statements at the end of each chapter. A quick overview of the high points helps if time is an issue. The “Tips for Talking About This Issue” section was probably more important than the discussion itself for me. Remembering humility, gentleness, love, honesty and respect goes out the window sometimes when the discussion becomes more of an argument. One piece of advice that I found to be most heartfelt was taking the time to discern when a “w...