Review: The Ragamuffin Bible: Meditations for the Bedraggled, Beat-up & Brokenhearted Zondervan 2013 Brennan Manning. If you have not had the opportunity to read any of his works the sidebars and devotional thoughts tucked into this NIV Bible will give you a taste of what he had to say. Sadly, he died recently. The Ragamuffin Bible is a keeper for me. This one I like. The size, the type set, the feel is just right. I will not comment on the Biblical text itself since I am no expert in that field. I can say that I like the way it reads though. This version in dual column, paragraph style with a few explanatory notes at the bottom of the page as needed. Of course, the chapter and verse markers are maintained. If you need to have cross references, concordances and the like, a study Bible might be more to your liking. This one is for reading and pondering. If I have done my math right, there are ab...