Review: A Call to Resurgence: Will Christianity Have a Funeral
or a Future?
Mark Driscoll
Tyndale House Publishers
The title says it all.
The premise is do or die essentially.
Driscoll presents the current situation as he sees it, how it got that
way, and what to do about it. There’s a
lot of good stuff in this book. He
likens the current religious climate to that of what the disciples faced back in
their day. Pluralism and a government
that endeavors to protect all the different world views out there, as long as
there’s no trouble. He does not emphasize
that religious freedom is one of the founding freedoms of this country, even if
you don’t agree with any of them.
Driscoll’s work does do something needful. It calls to its readers to clarify their
beliefs, their world view if you will.
Does it match the way the readers live or match what the readers
say? Does it line up with
Scripture? He also discusses points that
he feels are not negotiable and some that divide believers, but are not as
important. Is he saying some major on
the minors? I think so. His discussion of the different positions is
insightful. At least for me. His synopsis of church history was nicely done
too. Short, but hit the most of the
highpoints along the way. Overall there
is a much positive information in this book to mull over.
But----this book was spoiled (for me) by the style of
Driscoll’s presentation. It is as if he
wanted it set in all caps with lots of exclamation points. Happily the publisher controlled that part of
it and showed amazing restraint in letting his style show through so
clearly. So, if you can get passed all the style there
is reason to take this book seriously.
Overall, I recommend this book with the above reservations.
This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for a
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