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Hot Weather, White Man's Burden, and Hurricanes

Oh my!  I'd better hurry if I want to get another post up for August.  Even though it's one of the long months on my calendar, it has slipped by rather quickly.  Don't know what I've been doing that was so much fun but it kept me occupied.  

Summer has returned for a last gasp.  I hope so anyway.  Warm is good; hot is not.  And it's hot here when the temperature (Do thermometers have mercury any more?) gets up around ninety.  

Speaking of weather, the weathermen are so excited that they have a real hurricane to predict doom from now.  Only thing better for them I suppose would be for it to end up in the Gulf of Mexico.  Yeah, I think the news cyclers or recyclers love doom.  If there isn't any, dredge up an old story and respin it.  These are the same guys that point at certain political persons and accuse them of fear mongering.  Kind of odd, don't you think?  I guess that only applies to the other guy.  

School has started here now.  The seniors are all tucked in at the college of their choice now.  Or those that chose the military have graduated from basic and gone to their next assignments.  The next generation of leaders are being formed.  Wonder what it'll look like when they are in a place to do the leading? Or will they opt out like so many of my generation did, leaving the leadership to those that are purchased by whoever the highest bidder might be then?  

We keep hearing about the need to do the hard thing, the right thing but no one steps up to do it.  Has it always been that way and I'm just catching on now?  What little history I have read says yes to that question.  Even down to the arguments used to justify a position.  Update the language, change a few names and there you are.  Seems like Solomon was right about nothing new under the sun after all.  

But, even at that there's still no reason no let things drift without at least making a few course corrections.  I think so anyway.  And the time for that is yesterday in reality, but since that's gone, today will have to do.  Tomorrow may not be soon enough.  And since most politicians value their jobs and those are threatened by current events something will be done eventually.  And especially when the newer bunch realizes what is at stake.  Yes, I still hold a hope that we aren't done yet.

The best part of what's going on now, is that our country is transitioning into a new era.  One where we aren't the world fixers or cops.  One where it isn't the white man's destiny to enlighten the heathen savages.  Yes, I do believe that's the root of where we come from politically.  We inherited it from our ancestors across the pond.  And for a long while believed that idea.  

Now, is a new era.  More of everybody on the globe knows more about everybody on the globe.  And guess what?  Most of those heathen savages have a way of living that predates our great idea and aren't ready just yet to give that up.  Isolationist?  Not exactly, but no longer an interventionist just because they choose to live in a way I don't like.  Or because they have all the oil on the planet.  Or under it.  So buy it from them.  Too expensive? Then innovate and find another idea that works and is cheaper.  What's the old saying?  Necessity is .....  You know it.

So much for my political musings.  See what hot weather does to me.  Feels good to spout an opinion of my own too.  Catharsis.  Even the word feels good to say.  Must be time to end this.  The cat just walked across the keyboard.  

See you in September.  Wasn't there a song about that?


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