Review: Launch Your Encore: Finding Adventure and Purpose
Later in Life
Hans Finzel & Rick Hicks
Baker Books
Retirement? What to
do with all that extra time now that there’s no job filling the hours and the
kids are grown? Kick back and relax for
starters, but pretty soon, as these authors point out, that gets old and major
boredom sets in. This book takes a look
at precisely this issue within a culture that thrives on doing rather than
being, on youthfulness rather than age. What
will you do? What will you become? What will become of you?
In the final analysis those questions probably need answers
sooner than later. Finzel and Hicks suggest
a way forward through the transition period from leaving your life’s work to
entering your encore performance, i.e. the retirement years. Personality, ability, desires, skills, and other
traits point you toward a decision area.
They suggest several assessment tools to help gather that
information. Coasting through the twenty
or so years after retirement isn’t a good option according to these authors and
their research cited.
So who is the target audience for this book? The Boomer generation may find some helpful
ideas, but they are living it now. My
thought is the primary reader of this book probably needs to be the generations
that followed the Boomers. The reason
for a book like this stems from the extended years and improved health that are
now possible after retirement. But will
that group buy into this book? If they
are smart, and they are, I think so.
I recommend this book as a good start point for the
transition period the Boomers have entered and for
those that will plan that far in advance for their move into retirement when
their time arrives.
I received this book from the publishers in exchange for a
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