Wow. Been quite a while since I've been here. Tried a couple of times but that's as far as it got. Now the new year is closing in on me and a few billion other folks and it's time to put up a final word or two before it arrives. Made it through Christmas, but only by the skin of my teeth. If the kids hadn't come down it'd been even closer than that. I'm hoping things will start looking brighter soon. I mentioned the new year. Do I want to make any resolutions? If there was the slightest chance even one of them might survive I'd do it. But... Yeah. All good intentions but no follow through marks the trail behind me. The only solace is that I'm not too different from most folks in that respect. Not that that makes failure any more palatable. Looks like a double edged sword here. If I don't make any resolutions then I'm a loser, but if I do and then don't follow them then I'm a loser that way as well. Hmm. I smell a rat som...